Tuesday, February 9, 2016

USR-WIFI232 and ADTPro

Based on my testing, the USR-WIFI232 appears to work fairly well with ADTPro giving yet another option for disk transfers. However, you have to set ADTPro to use Virtual Serial over IP (localhost mode). Open the ADTPro.properties file that gets created (using a text editor, such as TextEdit) and enter the IP address and Port number of your USR-232-WIFI. Quit ADTPro, run it again, and it will connect! I set my USR-WIFI232 device to use the following UART setting from the web interface: 9600,8,None,1,Enable,Disable,Disable, and set complimentary settings on the Super Serial Card (<ctrl-a>14B). ADTPro seems to like 8 data bits, which prevents you from using the USR-WIFI232 AT commands.

I used the ADT Serial Pacing setting of "Pacing: 1000" to get a reliable connection for bootstrapping. I don't think the speed settings are tested with a TCP connection to a real Apple //e.

Once the bootstrapping is successful and ADTPro is running, it was necessary to change the UART settings of the USR-WIFI232 via the web interface to: 19200,8,None,1,Enable,Disable,Disable, as ADTPro only runs at higher speeds.

Uart Setting
Data Bits
485 mode
Baudrate adaptive (RFC2117)

Set the CONFI(G) in ADTPro to 19200 Baud Rate as well. After that was completed, I was able to transfer directory data, and a disk with ADTPro on it!

If the bootstrapped ADTPro gives an error INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND RESTART -ERR -1 when you restart your USR-WIFI232 (due to the hardware handshake, I think), just hit <ctrl>-<reset>, then type 800G<enter> to restart ADTPro.

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