Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Comms Day!

Day 4:

I found an MC-10 serial terminal program "COMPAC" online and was able to load it onto the MC-10 using my new 'cassette' interface cable (see part 1 and part 2 of making the cable).

Of course, I could only send letters from the MC-10 to my Mac's terminal program, but not from the Mac to the MC-10. I knew immediately that it was due to the serial cable wiring and how the Tx and CD wires were swapped for printing. I tried to make a little adapter, but it did not work, so I had to re-solder the connector using the orinal pinout in the Service Manual.

Well, it works now! I can type messages back and forth between my computers finally! It's only 300 baud, but it feels like a good success. Oh, in the README for the console program was a link to a 90's awsome MC-10 website on triod. What flashback and a great resource!

Tomorrow I will see if I can access the macOS shell.

screen /dev/cu.usbserial 300,cs7,cstopb

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