Sunday, January 3, 2021

MIKUL 6218 Memory and VIA EXORbus board

I haven't spent much time working on my CMS 9639 SBC because, unlike the CMS 9619, it does not have any usable on-board RAM and does not include a monitor/debugger in ROM. Instead, it is designed to use an external memory board (which I don't have) on a back plane (which I now have) and boot OS-9 from a disk drive (which I don't have). What is nice about the device is the built-in memory manager which uses up to 1MiB of RAM. Unfortunately, EXORbus RAM cards are still prohibitively expensive on eBay and only have 16K to 64K of RAM capacity. Since the components would be far less than the price of those boards, I took a stab at designing a 1MiB SRAM board with a bonus additional I/O expansion.

I had just started to get components inserted into an EXORbus prototype board when I noticed the MIKUL 6218 Memory and VIA boards appearing on eBay at reasonable prices (<$45 shipped). Let's take a look at the board:

Click below for more details...